18 Mar

When you hear about marijuana or legal cannabis, the discussions usually tend to focus on THC, CBD, and their effects. 

However, marijuana is a plant that contains many, if not hundreds, components. It has only recently been discovered that even terpenes have a prestigious role to play in the development of new organisms among all these substances.

This is the role of terpenes in cannabis plants.

Terpenes: What are they?

Before we understand what role terpenes can play in cannabis plants, if you've never heard the word, it's time to clear up what we're talking about.

Terpenes are groups of aromatic molecules that are also found in many other plants besides cannabis and legal cannabis.

Related Article: What are Terpenes?

Wondering what they're used to do?

Plants evolve them to defend themselves, shield themselves from microbes, fungi, and parasites, and lure their allies to pollination.

To give you a more detailed understanding of what we're talking about, these are the same compounds that give you the aromas of mint, lavender, lemongrass, etc.

These are aromatic molecules that are taken daily in food and found in cosmetics. Of course, in this article we will only focus on the terpenes that concern cannabis, and there are over 200 of them!

Curiosities and observations in terpenes.

As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, terpenes are aromatic particles, which give each type of cannabis a particular scent and aroma.

There are terpenes with a fruity aroma, others with a mint taste, others with an earthy taste, and others with a scent reminiscent of diesel.

It was only recently discovered that terpenes are more than just scents.

They co-star with THC and CBD, which affects the effects of marijuana on the user.

Recent studies have shown that hemp contains 200 different types of terpenes, and each of them has a different molecular structure and different effects.

You'll be shocked to know that terpenes are formed in hemp by trichomes, which are tiny glands on both the leaves and the flowers. They are the same glands that contain both THC and CBD.

For this reason, it seems incredible that discoveries about terpenes were made until recently. People believed that their function should be attributed only to a sensory and aromatic problem.

It has also been discovered today that terpenes and cannabinoids interact with each other. This process has been called "entourage", but we want to talk about it later.

Also read: The Difference between CBD and THC

Effects of cannabis and terpenes: why are they closely linked?

Now that we have discovered that terpenes in the light, THC-rich cannabis play an essential role among the various substances that cannabis contains in nature. It might be interesting to study other aspects.

For example:

Why can a plant produce more or fewer terpenes?

How do these significantly impact different varieties of marijuana?

The amount and type of terpenes produced by each cannabis plant, whether it is high THC cannabis or legal CBD cannabis, depends on several external factors but does not depend on the variety of the plant.

The terpenes developed by a marijuana plant depend mainly on: 

  • Climate; 
  • Soil; 
  • Fertilizer.

Not only that, it has been found that even different ages of the plant produce variations in this direction and that the same variety of cannabis, based on a series of factors, can develop other aromatics and tendencies towards an effect. Rather than another.

Other studies have shown how terpenes can be considered as true modulators of the psychoactive effects of hemp.

Some plants of the same strain can also have the same levels of THC and CBD, but their effects can be very different and terpenes are responsible for this phenomenon.

This is how terpenes function.

In the previous paragraphs, we have made it clear that terpenes are responsible for the sensory and aromatic experience of cannabis use and that they play an important role in the effects.

The working of these compounds must now be explained.

It is now clear that Terpenes interfere with cannabinoids in a phenomenon called "entourage," but they can cause results even without them.

Among the most typical relationships between cannabinoids and terpenes are:

THC often interacts with limonene, Caryophyllaceae and pinene (3 of the most common terpenes);

CBD works in close synergy with linalool.

As mentioned, however, there are over 200 terpenes, and the combinations can be many.

However, what is certain is that in the past, when distinguishing between relaxing and euphoric effects, we spoke more often of Sativa hemp and indica hemp. It is more specific than the terpenes which define whether the effects of the plant will be the more physical, relaxing, brain, or perhaps stimulating.

Additionally, as mentioned in the lines above, terpenes can induce mild mood effects even without the presence of THC, so even consuming legal herbs could cause them.

Last Words

Now that you have read facts about terpenes, it would be easier for you to understand why these compounds are increasingly in demand and why we are attempting to grow plants with the prevalence of individual terpenes.

If this talk intrigued you and made you want to smell the fantastic aromas of CBD cannabis, visit our Higherhempcbd online store.

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